Thread: jostats
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Old 03-19-2020, 06:26 AM
chopperprop is offline chopperprop
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in the admin section on the web-server did you create a username and password then login in and create a server ID ? - then in the BMTV3 you need to add the server ID then validate ? It will ask you to validate the server when adding the URL - it must come back stats were found then it asks to validate the server and when you push yes it should come back server validated successful.
in the game .config of the server - multiplayer section 6th line down the port number is 32768-change it to 32769 for 1 server and each instance of the game change it to 1 number higher so for 2 servers - 1st one is 32769 second one is 32770 and so on- then in your router allow 32769 for the local IP of the PC- (example. save everything - also you may want to assign the PC to a static local IP in the router that way it will not change under the DHCP rule.
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