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Old 06-25-2022, 04:07 PM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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I forget rather embarrassingly often that not every player knows a lot about the mission editor.

Every meter in DFBHDTS is divided into 65536 units. Using the arrow keys, the MEd will move items in 1m steps, and CTRL+ARROW keys move items 1/256th of a meter at a time. So 1/256th of a meter is really the smallest manual adjustment you can make in an item's position in the MEd, and 1/256th of a meter is 256 MEd units. 256×256=65536.

There are circumstances, like rotating a group of items at once, where the MEd can place an item at a coordinate that is not divisible by 256, but using keystrokes or drag-and-drop, I don't think the MEd allows manual item movements less than 256 MEd units.

In the Item Attribute dialog window in the MEd, the X, Y, and Z coordinates have two boxes each, the first being full meter values between -32767 and 32767, the second is sub-meter distances in MEd units between 0 and 65535.

Fun note: in an unbordered, mission area free map, travel in any cardinal direction far enough, you basically PAC-MAN to the opposite edge of the map and start moving back toward your starting point! Starting at terrain center and heading NE, SE, SW, or NW, the farthest you can get away from terrain center is 46,338.585 meters.

0.585m is 38339 med units, rounded. 32768 is 0.5m. At 5' 10", I'm [1][50987] MEd units tall.

And having spent the last hour and a half of this Saturday night just messing around with this reply, I am, verifiably, probably the hardest partying metalhead over fifty in this community.

Hey, side question, is a sarcasm detector supposed to make noises that loud?
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Last edited by Baldo_the_Don; 06-25-2022 at 04:58 PM.
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