Thread: [BHD:TS] Dfbarracks down
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Old 04-27-2021, 03:52 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Thanks, TrSniper. I feel acknowledged. I'd like to make it clear that my pessimism is honestly come by, but not really appropriate. I miss my cat.

I'm a moderator at both DFBarracks and DFReload, and I'm fairly certain Eagle_Eye has my e-mail address, so I figure if anything truly dire was going on, he'd've told at least some of us about it.

I know the admins of DFB/DFR were porting all the DFB data to the DFR, and I believe that A.Bullet was not only the original owner of the DFB, he wrote the code for that site himself, and eventual server updates made his code wonky. Then it all went offline for a while, came back, and now it's gone again.

I don't know what's going on, and hobbit laments one way or the other, I'm pretty sure things'll be okay. At least I can confirm that I've yet to be told it won't be.
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