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Old 05-22-2019, 07:02 AM
Justin09 is offline Justin09
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Join Date: Apr 2019
Location: Philippines
Posts: 56

terra_02 unlocked map editor.

Hello everyone, is there any link for terranova team sabre unlocked map editor. because the tnmed version looks sucks for some reasons:

Looks like its the same as med v206, but:
- When setting the numbers for Spawns (WP Pause) in AI Properties, it will reset to zero when applied (same thing as Fire Timer, but resets to ten timer).
- Ability to set global music, etc... were missing in General Information.

And one really problem:
You cannot launch any med versions like unlocked v2.05, etc... If you overwrite the original exe executable as exp terranova team sabre exe (because i still always get error: Check items.def pre-alloc). Trying a different med editor on backup black hawk down folder doesn't work because it won't load any files like .bin, etc...
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