Thread: stupid people
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Old 09-28-2003, 01:13 PM
mrpow is offline mrpow
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"It looks like Blackhawk Down when on sale again at Wal-Mart" is a phrase we use when a heard of newbies suddenly show up on our server. The idea of a litany test to play on public servers is a good one. Maybe a player should have to complete the entire mission pack in hardists mode before being able to enter the public domain.

On another note. Some players misdiagnosed lag and may not have lag at all. When I see one player accused another player being leggy and they both have good ping times, it tells me that's somebody's video settings may not be set up in the best performance mode to play the game. No matter how good your video card is if you max out its capabilities by setting it up in a high quality picture mode, you'll still see paging and other effects at may be interpreted as lag. For better game play set your video card up and the highest performance mode possible, even if you have to sacrifice picture quality.

Mr.POW , out (
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