Thread: stupid people
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Old 08-28-2003, 02:05 PM
RHA600 is offline RHA600
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stupid people

Nova needs start giving a test before people can play this game. There are some real winners in there. First I get some guy trying to tell me that his lag do to a ping of over 1500 doesn't effect me in any way. So the fact that he skips 100 feet at a time shouldn't matter.

Then I have another guy tell me that his ping is only the ping time between him and I. Well that would be correct if I was hosting or he were hosting a game. but we were on a nova server.

Then the best was just last night. Playing an AD game on the map with the stadium. I forget the map name. I am in the balcony of the biulding that is to the left as you come out of the stadium. The same balcony that is in just about every map. This guy is trying to tell me that I am in a glitch because I am crouched on the balcony. And he is pleading with my team to go get a SS of me. Obviously they were all laughing and eventually one of his team mates shot me...but what is it with some of these guys?

On a good note though...this game still rocks. It's frustrating as hell sometimes but it's addicting and I always have a great time playing.
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