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Old 01-22-2006, 10:50 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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its part of my religion to spank a disobedient kid.
i got spanked, my mom got spanked, my granny got spanked and by gollie i will spank.
it says in the bible, spare the rod and spoil the child.
in the biblical days the disobedient kids were taken into the town square and stoned if they didnt learn from getting wooped.
thats probably 1 of the reasons that some kids are so freking stupid and disobedient these days, in need of a good ass woopin, the parents too.
id like to have seen some stiff in a suit come to my great grandads door and tell him he couldnt spank his kids, lol, that would have been 1 dead civil servant, he grew up during the depression and was worrking in the mines at age 12, when he was 38 he got shot 7 times in a robery with a 32snub nose and was able to get his gun and kill the sombich that shot him.
he was told by the docktors that he was gona die, he cussed them out and told his kids to take him to another docktor that knew what the hell they was doing.
it took him a year but he recovered and lived to be 85yrs old.
thats the kindof people that we will never see again, the older generations that had more streinghts and integerity in a thumbnail than most kids these days got in their entire bodys.

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 01-22-2006 at 10:57 PM.
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