Thread: God or No god?
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Old 08-24-2003, 06:30 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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This post has certainly generated some replies but there is no definitive proof for the existence or not, of a supreme being in the universe. Just like Darwins theory of evolution, religion is based on theological belief, texts and stories handed down from generation to generation and a little added or taken away in the process.

If we accept there is a God of some kind, which is it Jehovah, Allah, Budda? They all have their champions saying that theirs is the only true God and have spent many years waging wars in the name of their "true" God who ever it may be.

The Christian bible says be good to your fellow man and treat him with kindness and repsect. Over 2000 years of our history we have spent more time killing each other in the name of this God or that Deity because the only true God is the one we or they or you choose to believe in and anyone who disagrees is the enemy! Catholics and Protestants, Jews and Muslims have all been at each others throats for centuries over their absolute belief that their "God" is the only true God!

Maybe it's time we learnt to repsect each others belief and interpretation of God and stopped fighting in his name or rather, using him/her as an excuse to slaughter each other.

Maybe we should abandon religion altogether and try another way because if we don't, some fanatic sooner or later, will start a war for religious reasons and the result will be our total and utter destruction and all because of a religious belief!
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