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Old 07-24-2010, 08:10 PM
Lakie is offline Lakie

Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 5,540

Its Mashed Potato

Ive discovered Molecular Gastronomy and the like, which is basically a term for understanding cooking at a scientific level, although my definition is cooking that f**** with your brain...

You make mashed potato the ordinary way, then divide it up, color/flavour each batch, a bit of gel to make the layers easy to assemble, assemble it as you will, then I hardened the outside of each piece and glazed it a bit to be true to a allsort

Black is squid Ink
White has a bit of titanium dioxide added
The rest I used conventional food coloring, though im thinking a couple of drop of essential oil in the different layers you could have some brilliant flavours...

Some vids
Hot and Iced Tea (In the same glass), a sorbet that dosent melt when its on fire
Dessert Nachos
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