Thread: N.i.l.e.
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Old 09-22-2010, 01:54 AM
Registered User

Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 736 Nile does come with a very fancy 3d image viewer that allows you to place objects 'better' than the med.
Oldman, godfather and others have built tools to work in with the Nile, I havn't been following this but is on the site.

The reason why ALL mappers should be fluent with BOTH
DF Angel Falls will have a NEW editor,gossip says will incorperate the best of both.

I prefer the Med, in fact in many of my missions you are the Med, a soldier of the Median Econonic Development up against the Northern Industral Allience (NILE)
just after the World Trade talks fell, really just an excuse for me to reuse same assets, good to see you stomp.

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