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Old 09-04-2019, 01:29 PM
Urnodaisy is offline Urnodaisy
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I know this post is a dead horse, but I'm going to beat it anyway.

The way BF1942 handled sea, land, and air was incredible and ground breaking. This important thing about 'classic' PC games was always this: Software Development Kits (modding tools), and private server rentals for game clans. Where is that today on these cookie cutter cross platform money grabs?

It can be argued that the Desert Combat Mod for BF1942 started the modern combat genre in gaming and at a minimum, all of all the future Battlefield series. My clan had a COOP Desert Combat server and we allowed the griefers to join the opfor team and it became the highest ranked COOP server in the game. It was like you could begin the game time in coop and it would turn into full on pvp.

We know the talent behind Desert Combat was utilized for BF2. I felt the gun play in BF2 was lacking but at least it gave me (us) Project Reality. I never thought BF2 was any match for Joint Operations. I think the best game in the series since BF1942 was BFBC2.

I always hope some AA developer will bring back those days for PC. I hope developers bring back modding tools and dedicated server rentals. It's been 15 years since JO:TR and we are playing 64, 32, and 16 players in games?

Last edited by Urnodaisy; 09-04-2019 at 06:08 PM.
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