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Old 01-19-2009, 07:20 PM
IcIshoot is offline IcIshoot

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Location: Farmington Hills, MI
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I wrote cs cache nuke available for download @, clears out the cache folder for BHD.

I have an other program that I haven't released yet that I use to get my public IP.

Most of what I write are small, half written stuff that throw together to quickly help me get something done.

For example, I have one that I used to search the Anaconda server manager logs to see when a particular person or IP was in the server.

Still others are just exploratory stuff, like thanks to Dstructor (author of pinger) I got a sample app that will convert your IP and port into the novakey.

I have looked at assembly, even started reading a pdf file on it, thats as far as I went. I know enough C/C++ that I can understand basically what is going on and convert it to an other programing language. Haven't tried to really write any thing in C/C++ in a few years.

And of course I know html, php, picking up javascript (working on a website that uses AJAX ).

@atholon.. I agree, does have a unique syntax. And knowing php really helped with picking up c#, which in turn has helped out with javascript lol.

VB's style is almost english, and it is because of that that I learned it first, starting back in quickbasic.
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