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Old 05-23-2005, 03:52 AM
Darksniper75 is offline Darksniper75
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 34

Changed the crosshair in the inset scope, but have a problem, help, DFX mod

I'm making a sp mod. I found the TGA that makes up the Inset scope aka the old DF1 scope, it's a 32 bit image, I deleted the file from the pff, and then there is the inset but no crosshair, see:

Now I can delete the file, and get no crosshair. But if I want to change it, the problems begin. First of all, not 1 viewer shows it correctly when opend with a photo editing program, meaning it shows a white square of 256*256 pixels. One thumbview program showed a good preview, but when you open it in large its all white again, see photo's:


As you can see, the TGA appears to be white or transparant in the preview. Pretty confused because when you open it up in say Photoshop elements it's gone see picture:

Tried to make my own TGA, 32 bit, converted a scope into TGA but it was black. See picture:

The end result in the game is, see picture:

Obviously, I'm doing something wrong. Think the orginal TGA is transparant or something. Maybe a photoshop guru can help me out. My sp mod is directed to sniping and being able to have different scopes and lots of sniper rifles. If you can, help me out.

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