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Old 12-16-2010, 10:13 AM
peregrine falcon is offline peregrine falcon
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 124

Placing spawns or teleporting players below ground I think cause this because the codding within the game to keep players from getting glitched and stuck below ground.

I have found ways around this which some don't always work.

1. place tunnels on or above ground(works if map is tunnels or tunnels with confined spaces connected to tunnels)

2. Rotate a tunnel section 90 degrees connect it to an corner rotated 90 degrees connect this to your tunnels and make sure the open end reaches the surface(you may want to block off and camouflage this area to keep players from falling into it.)this way when teleported to the ground the player will actually fall into tunnel.

3. Place start markers in separate groups other than default(3 or higher) with each spawn marker having its own group. Also give each teleport target its own group which can match spawn markers group number. Logically this is flawed I think it may work some of the time because it confuses(for lack of a better term) the game. It may also cause SYS.DUMPs

Last edited by peregrine falcon; 12-16-2010 at 10:26 AM. Reason: whole reply doesnt show up
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