Thread: [DFLW] Ideas
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Old 01-28-2019, 08:07 AM
johnno56 is offline johnno56
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Originally Posted by Scott View Post
What do you feel makes your maps boring now? What's the repetition? I assume you're making SP maps?
You are correct. I only play SP and modified COOP maps. I have never played online... Let's just say, I'm the Star Trek 'Red Shirt', type of player. Getting 'killed off' early in the game is par for the course for me... lol

What makes my maps boring and or repetitious... In a nutshell, me. I start tinkering a map together using a simple objective(s) and before too long, voila!, a simple map... Almost exactly the same as a map I created some time ago...

I cannot count the number of SP maps I have downloaded to either play or "pick apart". As my OS is Linux, I am limited to DFLW and DFTFD, mainly because I cannot get the other DF games to run properly. DF2 *almost* runs ok. That is why I have been checking out ways to convert the maps. I had even considered trying my hand at 'Terrains'...

Do not get me wrong, I really enjoy playing DF and have for years, I only wish I could make my maps more interesting...

As a side note: My grandsons have see DFLW and were amazed. They had never seen it before. They enjoyed playing but were not sure about learning how to make their own games... Cool.

It's gone 1am and I had best get some sleep...


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