Thread: [DFLW] Ideas
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Old 01-24-2019, 12:52 PM
johnno56 is offline johnno56
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I use Linux and run DFLW and DFTFD ever since I dropped windows in about 2005. I still play at least a few times a week and have been dabbling in map making for at least 5 years.

I am struggling to generate ideas for missions. I look at the mapdb's and I am amazed by the many types of maps and the skill level of the designers.

I have just about used all the win / lose conditions in the map editors and I am beginning to see a pattern of repetition in my maps. I enjoy map making but have never produced anything good enough to 'publish' nor retain. I play it a few times then delete it... Probably because even I find them a bit boring... But I keep trying.

I would appreciate some guidance in how to create 'interesting' maps and for that I need ideas... I know this may seem a bit vague but I have to start somewhere...


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