Thread: New MED
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Old 02-08-2004, 09:23 AM
madskilla is offline madskilla
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 24

i have tried everything, i am awaiting a cracked editor,, if the re released by the resource people editor is mirroring in 3dmode then its all lost..

i have unistalled, deleted files, cleaned registry- reinstalled, only meds pre update .4 work proper.. for reference on your own pc, take med2.00i and take med 2.6b insert 2 object facing 0degrees, select them both, hit 3dmode, move ur view to looking down on them (directly overhead with the terrain still green if terrain goes brown u r under the items), notice in 2.00i med that all object render facing 0deg, now do the same in updated current med, u will c that all objects r facing 180deg in render and located in mirror render,. i know ur med does it too, and everyone elses, that u havent notices is fine, and a person can even work around it, by using only visual reference and doin the reverse rendering in ur head np.. in fact if u just want to put something on top of a building, all u use 3d mode for is to get the proper z, and if all ur doin is gettin Z from ur 3dmode, u may never notice, but once u need to use it to place somehting exactly in a place that is relative to other items u WILL notice.. im done typing today, im gonna go blast some digi heads... cut some digi throats, and swim in some digiblood!.. make urself a gg

'ping aint nothin but bullet time baby'
its time to ready your family, and harden ur fears, its arisen, and now it gets sick.
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