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Old 09-27-2003, 08:33 PM
Gunshot is offline Gunshot
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oh and trilogy refering the the first reply you made.
Do me a favor, when you find a perfect game with no glitches, or cheaters. And the company has perfect customer support, and worries about everyone little bitches and moans let me know.
I found that game.. Well accually i have already known about it since it came out and that's American's Army.. That's the most popular game and it's made by the U.S. ARMY so if someone trys to f.uck with the game then, and your screwed.. It is more harder to find Bugs/glitches than BHD.. I haven't incountered a glich/bug in the game yet.. Even if RH is a kid or whatever..just please DF Staff and people on DF Fourms, you need to be more open minded.. Now please don't Cuss me out or try to battle with me and say stuff to start a arguement like you did when i had a virus from kazaa.. And the thing with novalogic They are always months behind. Engineers like that, that make alot of money Like they do should treat others with respect instead of yelling at them and threating them.. They get paid for what!!!??? they do nothing.. They sit at their desks all day and make more games that will have more bugs/glitches.. Same goes with bill gates.. the engineers should treat you with respect and say, "i'm very sorry that it happened it was a stupid mistake we made but im afraid we can do nothing. we are very sorry for the inconvience, we thankyou for buying our game and hope that you will continue to buy our games."

*Try Like the Rest & Die like the Rest*
*Kill the Best, Shoot the rest*

Last edited by Gunshot; 09-27-2003 at 10:43 PM.
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