Thread: God or No god?
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Old 08-29-2003, 11:03 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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Isn't this getting slightly of track from the original question guys i.e. "is there a god or not"? It's surely up to the individual and their own conscience to decide if they choose to believe or not?

The fact is that many wars and much suffering has been caused by religious beliefs of one kind or another and as we are now in the 21st century and much more advanced surely we can question our different views with out resorting to shouting at each other just because we have a difference of opinion on the subject matter?

Is this how the relgious wars of the past and present began, an argument that led to or leads to a conflict in which many suffer because of a religious belief?

If god exists (or what ever you choose to call him) does he not tell us to be good and kind to each other, to live in harmony with each other? Instead we seem to spend our time saying his/her view of religion is different to mine there fore he/she is my enemy!

Is there really a need for religion in the modern world? If it causes so much conflict should we not abolish it and prevent more wars and more suffering?

No one can stop another person choosing to believe in some thing if they really want to but, as we are all talking about the same god ( supposedly) why are there these dreadful and violent differences in our beliefs?

The muslim faith has been hi jacked by certain fanatics to further their own ends as we witnessed on 9/11, is this what a god would want? Any god? Mindless evil acts that kill the innocent?

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