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Old 08-22-2003, 07:37 AM
‹-†Kâíshô†-›™ is offline ‹-†Kâíshô†-›™
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 16

Cool Base Rape'in

In my book, thats considered as a cheap kill... how would you feel if everytime you re-spawn, theres another player who's waiting for you to spawn and kill you over and over again. Where's the fun in that when all you do is just die??? Not necessary a cheat but a cheap kill. I don't think thats the way a game such as BHD is meant to be played especially in DM. No matter how you look at it, it'll remain the same if all you do is die and other players are taking advantage of where you are spawning. Now, in all honesty... if I were to log into a map and I died every 5-8 seconds atfer respawing, then I'll leave to go elsewhere. No need in to argue or cry over it. But when I HOST and others like me, when players are caught doing such a thing, they are warned and ask not to "Base Rape" and if 3 punts don't get your attention then maybe banning will....
Love & Kisses to my wife... Kâi§h0z-»«-Gùr£
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