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Old 12-05-2001, 12:08 PM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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Hee Hee.

One thing I have always found nuts is that the W3C can cause these kind of debates by suddenly announcing on a whim that tags should be in capitals, Or if some XML developer says actually they should be in lower-case.

Computers dont give a monkeys and neither should you. There is no right and wrong way to do stuff on your PC. As long as the damn thing recognises your commands then who cares.

Hands up all those who actually put a version line in the top of there HTML code?
If its not done then you havent written the code properly... Why? because somebody somewhere once said that it needs to be there or you are not a proper webmaster... bollox.

Find what works for you and stick with it. I use lower caps in all my HTML and add tonnes and tonnes of REM tags so that I can follow what is going on in my code.

Dammit I know of a geezer that doesnt even use <html> <head> or <title> tags and all his pages look great.

Dont mix cases in one word though, Necromancer is right about that.

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