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Old 07-27-2003, 03:59 PM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Sweden
Posts: 3,972

I guess we should thank the japanise army of bombing perl habour for our freedom then...

Yes that was a sickening thing to say and i regret i did it! But USA joined the war becouse they were attacked at perl habour.... So it has to be said!

I dont think the gouvermount of U.S.A at that time gave a **** in who controled europe, aslong as they wernt affacted...
But they became affected at perl habour, which made them give a ****...

Face it, the world is about domination, everyone wants someone to owe them... The higher you are in the hiarkie the more you demand!

The world countries govermounts all want the same! They want to expand:

Hitler did it, we all know about his "Das Dritte Reich"! (no that dosnt mean anything razistic, just so you get mad and think im a razist or anything)
England did, where would USA be now if they didnt?
Kingdom of Rome?
Irak tried to, yea they tried to invade Kuwait(sp?)
Sweden, we all know how they tried invaded europe!
Kina, they invaded the holy grounds of Dhali Lama (dont know if he was the one in charge of that time)
Russia, yea we all know about the baltics and finland!

Thats to name a few..
Now U.S.A were trying to invaide Irak, yea to control the oil and to get their choice of leadership..
We cant forget that something good happend, the people of Irak was freed from the tyran dictator Saddam Hussain!

U.S.A didnt find any weapons, there were no threat aginst U.S.A either.. Kinda understand why it was so hard for the inspectors to find something, right? But no there were no chance they could find any... Anyone know what they did before the Gulf War? Yes they were searching for weapons inside Irak, and belive it or not, they were sucsessfull! They did find biological weapons...

Irak havent used any biogical weapons on any country besides in their own... So yea they were a big threat for the world, no! They Saddam was a big threat to his own country and those who lived there...

I dont hate USA i hate that "Europe and the whole world owe us! We are the best! We are better then everyone!" Thats what i hear daily, that is what i call nationalists!
Where i live nationalism is taken serious, its taken as racism...

Its great that USA exists and i really like the country, my dream is to sometime visit!

I would however be able to be without the nationalistic mentality!

PS I DONT HATE USA! So dont give me that BS! Its also late so somethings may be inacuret as i cant think too strait at these times DS

Also a thanks to the soldiers out there who do give a **** about other things, which no gouvermount seems to be able to!

Also a thanks to my fellow countries soldiers in Kongo and the rest down there! You'all are doing a great thing!

One question to everyone, do you'all know what happend to the FN/UN soldiers in Kongo about 2 weeks ago? No dont try to check CNN i have allready done it, there is nothing about it there...

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Last edited by SilentTrigger; 07-27-2003 at 04:12 PM.
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