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Old 06-10-2003, 04:42 AM
CapN'C*cksucker is offline CapN'C*cksucker
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Operation Flashpoint had pretty basic flight controls for the UH-60 as long as you were the only person playing. Any type of interaction with the enemy (AI or online opponent) usually weeded out the aces from the smacktards real quick. I hope the expansion pack for BHD is the same way. Also, I hope they make it to where you have to choose a pilot class, the same way you have to choose gunner, sniper, etc...And I hope the pilot class, and driver classes, should they use this idea, have really, REALLY, ****ty weapons so that every tom dick and harry isn't smacktarding by camping helipads waiting on helos to spawn (see Battelfield 1942). Maybe just a sidearm like the 9mm or .45. for the pilots. I bet we see alot less half-ass, wannabe fighter ace pilots if all they have is a pistol while I shut 'em down with an M24 900 meters out while they set up camp wating on their next chance to be Tom Cruise in Top Gun at the cockpit of a Blackhawk.
"Middle Finger Is The Flag That I Wave When I'm Silenced."

Last edited by CapN'C*cksucker; 06-10-2003 at 04:59 AM.
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