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Old 06-05-2003, 08:35 AM
tuffstuff7 is offline tuffstuff7
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 37

console commands

hi what are some of the basic console commands for BHD
first and for most FPS on and off?
i have been into several games and am surprised that no one even knows what this ?
is there a site for the console commands? the fps one is very important to me to view wether it is the game or some of the custom maps ........because anything volumemetric like consistant smoke, fire, explosions and dense fog can drop your fps and well i would like to get to know some good servers and realize wether it is the connection.
i was in one custom map that well was pretty good, but between the fog so thick and vastness of the map and tiles it was like you just staggered and the ping seemed to be fine;
any helpers?
"the only dumb question, is one not asked"
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