Thread: [BHD:TS] player asking help
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Old 05-31-2023, 03:00 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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DFBHDTS quick saves missions in .bmx files. Pay attention: Bravo Mike X-ray. Those can be safely deleted, although I've never had a reason to. If you have nine saves of a mission, then you restart it from the beginning, the second you make a new first save, the game deletes the older .bmx files for that mission.

But if you want all the saved games gone, delete the .bmx files.

Then you might want to delete the thumbnails for those saves. Those will be .pcx files under 60kb.

These files are saved with a naming convention which is:
#SPBHD_### for BHD saves
#TSBHD_### for Team Sabre missions.
^      ^^^
|      |||
|      ||This digit is 1-9 and designates which save point this is.
|      ||
|      These two digits designate which mission of the campaign this is for.
This digit will be 0-3, designating which of your four player characters you 
went through this mission as.
Be careful not to delete .bms files. That's Bravo Mike Sierra. Those are user made maps, and you might want to keep those.
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