Thread: [BHD:TS] Uncap framerate
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Old 06-30-2022, 04:07 PM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Like the shotgun recoil animation, for instance.

Left-click triggers the fire animation, if the weapon's not empty, the recoil animation triggers, if it is empty, the reload animation triggers, and if you're out of ammo, the empty idle (possibly just idle) animation triggers.

In the recoil animation for the Remington, the player raises the muzzle, pulls back the pump grip, returns it forward, then lowers the muzzle back to fire ready position. That animation takes one second, and my testing lead me to conclude there are 60 different positions in that animation.

Oh, yeah! .wac scripting! That's where I solidified my opinion on the 60 ticks per second idea! When you do things with timers or delays in the .wac file, the time is measured in 'ticks' according to the Kyle.wac (or as I like to think of it, the .wac scripter's bible), and I saw it stated somewhere that the game does stuff in 60 ticks per second, and I did some testing that did not prove that wrong, so...

Sometimes, your Uncle Baldo writes replies at ridiculous hours of the night, sometimes disregarding all obvious signs of exhaustion and cognitive impairment, driving through brain-fog and brainstorm alike, and sometimes, not often, but sometimes, it's brilliant, mostly it's weird, but every now and then, it's brilliant, weird, and hilarious, and that's why I don't stop doing that.

But looking at my last reply, I can see what I was going for and how badly the rambles got in my way.

You were denying game framerate's effect on animation speeds, and I was trying to concur after being awake for twenty-some-odd hours. Garbling may have been inevitable.

I also wanted to know how you got to a 64 frame cap since I've been convinced of a 60 frame cap for so long. 'Cause I've done my tests and confirmed my conclusions to my satisfaction, but I really suck at taking notes, I sometimes misremember conclusions, and I often — all too often — have to redo tests.

And do I then take better notes? What do you think?

So I was worried I might be wrong. 'Cause I swear I remember tweaking (the minigun? the CAR15?) a weapon's fire rate (with the delaystart and delayend values) and ammo amount, emptying it several times while running my stopwatch, and taking an average and concluding 60 ticks.

I also vaguely remember doing something similar in Crimson Skies, so I'm not sure about anything now.

Discombobulation in a middle-aged headbanger. Can you imagine?
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