Thread: JO: Revision
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Old 02-16-2018, 06:43 PM
Oscarmike247 is offline Oscarmike247
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Originally Posted by stompem View Post
I think leaving out total reality is what makes it what it is so I wouldn't waste my time personally.
Just to show I'm not against Mods - Here's a mod worth playing - see if you can guess which one it is...
I understand. it will never be completely realistic. but Novalogic guns are just bad. they don't feel like guns. Heck most of them don't even look like they are pointing in the right direction in 1st person view.

I goal was to make the weapons feel and sound more like weapons and have more realistic and dynamic mechanics to them. In my mod, you have to play with a gun that is suited to your environment more than you had before. I think its more interesting when you have to pick your gear based on their capabilities and what job you need them for. instead of before where you just grab an M4 carbine and it's just as good as pretty much anything.
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