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Old 02-05-2018, 09:46 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Okay, so the DFWIQ mod comes with a MED named Xmed.exe. I changed the name of that MED to DFXmed.exe, edited my shortcuts, and...

BLAM! MED starts every time!

For science's sake, I tried the Comanche 4 Consumer MED (c4medc.exe). It's a go.

Test the unlocked C4 MED (c4medc6.exe): Apparently fine.

The NSODLMED.exe: Failed! (First attempt only. Subsequent attempts succeeded.)


Note: the NSODLMED and the NSODLMEDU are the TIO Coop consumer 2.06b and unlocked 2.05c MEDs renamed.

The TIO Coop MEDs, like the TIO Coop Mod executable, have been modified to handle a much higher number of items that these mods demand. I use them everywhere.

I like the way the consumer MED displays items by item.def name, not .3di name. I use unlocked MEDs pretty much only for editing respawn numbers and part animations.

I tried to start the BOMed.exe: Failed. Second attempt: Success.

Tried to start both the NSODLMED and the NSODLMEDU I have in the Deep Jungle mod folder (with /mod and /d flags, of course): Successful.


I like the sense of hope in DFBHD's future all this is giving me.

Perhaps some future version of the tool Scott's thinking about making can have a feature allowing a user to choose a specific MED to add the compatability flags to?
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The NSO Deadline Mod at
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