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Old 02-04-2018, 08:58 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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It installs fine from my desktop. I navigate through the system controls to the "Uninstall Programs" page and it shows up there, right at the top. Immediately after installing, I attempted to open the WIQ MED, it started first time, no trouble. Closed it and tried a different MED... it failed to start.

Damn it.

I'll fool around with it some more later, but I will add that the batch cannot find the AppFix.sdb unless I try from my desktop.

I am conviced the number of start failures is reduced, but I can't empirically claim that.

And please keep in mind that I'm having other problems with my computer.

I have a cheap MP3 player and a Walkman my wife got me to replace it. The Device Manager handles them both fine the first time I plug them in. The second sometimes, too. But I plug either of them in enough times, and eventually Explorer cannot see them, and the Device Manager lists them aa "Another Device," but not as a portable device or a USB drive. Windows then fails to load on reboot and I have to restore it to a "recovery point" (Wiederherstellungpunkt). This has happened several times.

I suspected a Sony root kit, but not all too terribly much. I'm pretty sure that last big update borked the system somewhere.

Here's the thing: I vaguely remember reinstalling my system once. The Windows 8 it came with. I've upgraded to the free Windows 10. And did I ever get around to making a recovery image for Windows 10? Indeed, I did not.

I feared that meant having to go back to Win8, but I've found a page at MS Support explaining how I can reinstall Win10 with a tool they offer for download, and I'll get on that soonish, but not today.

I have a paranoidish idea that all these troubles are happening to people that haven't purchased a copy of Win10. Does that sound crazy to anyone else?
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