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Old 12-09-2017, 07:29 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Windows Update KB4048955 may be the MED killer

I'm uninstalling some Windows updates because my sound drivers are affected badly, but I also found NL mission editors were crashing on start.

I randomly selected an update to uninstall, but I forgot to note which one it was 'cause my 'genius' is severely limited. After the reboot, I tried to start a MED and it went fine. Attempting to figure out the designation of the MED killing update, I noticed that Windows update KB4048955 is now waiting to be installed, so I'm assuming that's the one I just uninstalled.

I'm asking lolfake or stompem or anybody that can't get the MED to start to uninstall Windows update KB4048955 and report the results.


Edit: So immediately after uninstalling my sound drivers to attempt reinstalling them to see if they work correctly again, I had to reboot, during which KB4048955 reinstalled itself. After, I abandoned working the sound driver and uninstalled KB4048955 again and KB4055237 as well, thinking I'll figure out how to block them after, and after rebooting, found I have no access to them at all now, and KB4504022 has no deinstall option, and the MEDs won't start again.

I'm livid.
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Last edited by Baldo_the_Don; 12-09-2017 at 08:14 AM.
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