Thread: been ages
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Old 03-07-2016, 08:06 PM
SSGWarHog is offline SSGWarHog
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Originally Posted by BlacKSmurF View Post
Wow man, I somehow remember your name from DFBHD. I want to say our paths crossed at some point in the BHD Demo, or perhaps on DF Barracks? I was under BlacKSmurF or Slash*RF / Slash Raptor*RF, though I'm pretty sure I ran into you during the Demo 1 when you could carry the CAR-15 and M21 at the same time... did you perhaps make some maps or host a server? I also feel like I heard your name in the same breath as a guy named Hunter, who made a map called "Medeival Castle" on BHD (I still remember it being spelled incorrectly after all these years!).

Delta Force Angel Falls is vaporware; they tried to get it going in two engines and never could get a product into alpha. There's only a handful (maybe as few as two) Nova employees left. Who knows what they're doing all day, or why they haven't given up yet. I'm sure their income is shrinking every day. They also had some mobile conversions that never quite panned out (ex Commanche on iOS).

Have you been playing games since DF? Nice to see a familiar name.
Your name rings vaguely to me. I was an admin at DFBHD dealing with all the crazies screaming about BHD issues which really were 90% user issues.
My user name is still the same today when I do play. Most of the time I just play SP version of games, can't keep up with the younger folk any longer.
Been through the entire COD line of games, did some BF but enjoy COD SP way better. Once in a while I might jump into MP play rarely thou.

Funny just brought back COD 1 to pay again.
Couple of favorites at SPEC OPS The Line, Sniper Elite 3, FEAR series, and the best of all time the Half Life series.

I still keep all my old games to include the entire Nova series, sad what happened to a great company so far ahead at that time.

Spent a lot of time back then at DF barracks and all the rest of them. Those were the good days of gaming as far as I am concerned. It's been a long time

Always good to hear from someone from early days of gaming. Hope all is well and say hello once while
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