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Old 01-14-2016, 08:45 AM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Increase the radius of the waypoint, set the waypoints farther apart from each other, or change the vehicle's speed. Vehicles have a turn rate that dictates a turn radius, so if the vehicle's too fast, the waypoints are too close together, or the waypoint marker is too small, the vehicle cannot turn tightly enough to hit the waypoint and it gets stuck orbiting it.

Using .wav dialog actions in .dbfs or .wac files to play music will not work the way you want them to. Music only works correctly with mission .lwf files and music location area triggers, and nobody in the community has ever really gotten a good grip on how to get those to function for non-campaign SP maps.

There are a lot of mappers that'd nominate you for a medal of some sort if you do figure it out though, so keep us updated on any progress you make.

I haven't played DFBHD with music on in years. When I saw a post someone made about Team Sabre vehicles being silent, that's when I realized the music kept me from noticing a lot of missing and glitchy sounds in the game (The update actually has a corrupted dfvgame.lwf; one of the major points I repaired in my mods). Since then, I've had the music volume turned down to 0.

My advice, for what it's worth is to not worry overmuch about music in-game, work on effective sound marker deployment instead.

I once made a test map with nothing but a bunker on a beach and dozens of sound markers... ocean sounds, seagulls, wave laps, and wind gusts. Unbelievably immersive effect for an essentially empty map.
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