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Old 08-14-2014, 07:58 PM
Guest001 is offline Guest001
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You could save a heap of money if you ditch that socket 1150 (LGA1150 H97) Motherboard for a socket 1155 (LGA 1155 H87) version.

*Don't buy any LGA 1155 boards below H87

You can go back 1 or 2 generations with your CPU and still not lose much in the way of real-world performance.

You'll have virtually the same top machine.

Yes I would go for the 7850 price vs performance wise.

Before you buy any sort of extras like Liquid Cooling systems, Video and Sound cards be sure there is room and a spare bus on the board that you can get at.

If you buy a CPU cooling fan watch out that the case will be wide enough for it.

Check the compatibility of your screen (HDMI DVI etc) and sound input/outputs with any of your existing hardware you're going to use.

Finally, if your case comes with a PSU it'll probably do the job if it's for a home use desktop system (350-400w) but you'd better double check that you'll have adequate power for the end machine.

If you use an old PSU, even if it's powerful (say 500 watts or more), you'll find that most motherboards today have 2 main power inputs from the transformer not the single bundle of yesteryear.

Last edited by Guest001; 08-14-2014 at 08:28 PM.
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