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Old 06-16-2014, 01:02 PM
Guest001 is offline Guest001
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Originally Posted by HomeSkool View Post
So long story short if I use the WAC for many things it will start to glitch out?
Not size so much (I don't really know the limits but I've made some huge WAC scripts)

Some things to watch are not to get the timing of chained waves too close.

It depends how long the wave plays or if it repeats by way of an elapsed command.

"if past 10 and elapse 600 then" will trigger the script 10 seconds after the first player enters the map then every 10 minutes thereafter.

You can understand that if it tries to trigger the next sound before the previous one has finished playing or at the precise moment the elapsed command triggers, it could cause problems.

This is where waveready comes into play and you may have to do some maths to make sure that doesn't occur

Other ways to help prevent this are to encapsulate (enclose) the script.



Once again check in at the following for more detailed info

Daves DFX wac scripts

Stompem On The Web Knowledge Base

Last edited by Guest001; 06-16-2014 at 01:23 PM.
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