Thread: [DFTFD] Main menu window freezing
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Old 10-04-2012, 11:10 AM
Guest001 is offline Guest001
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Originally Posted by Luis View Post
This "Intel HD Graphics Family (DAC Typ "Internal") 1696 MB" is suspect for me, but i'm not sure.
Yes it's RAM dependent but should only cause lag in a memory starved environment...mmmm...possible but I haven't heard of it having problems with DX/OpenGL 32bit based software from that era. (mouthful)

I was thinking about a time that when I had a Df Game outside of (x86) (think it was LW) I had to un-intuitively turn off compatibility mode altogether and it also had a reverse effect on other software.

Anyway you need to emulate the PC environment of the time by trying every different combination you can think of even if it seems wrong (won't break)

Try using OpenGL Forced or DX Forced or even Software based in the Graphics Settings

///Try Ubuntu using W.I.N.E. or a Windows XP virtual Machine
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