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Old 10-18-2011, 11:10 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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will need to know what type of computer tower (case) you have to match a mother broad to it.

mother broads has open to screw to the computer case

sample my is med-tower MTX type case (medium large)

if you still have to paper work on that computer case? it maybe listed on paperwork or the make and model of the mother broad that is in it be a big help we can search see what type of computer case it was made to fit into then maybe search for a newer mother broad that match the screw hole to fit the case mother broad mounting

1.) mother broad model and make that is in it now
2.) type of computer case (computer tower) model number (if not mother broad make and model to replace)
one or two above optional

other i found mother broad maybe PCIe or AGP on it maybe fit your computer case iffy not 100% on it


don't know how great they are!

if you can call before placing a order with them ( or seek a local computer repair-shop see if they can upgrade your computer mother broad with a newer one! they maybe stuck with! could be a lot cheaper then.

some times a local computer repair shop have older mother broads from like 2002-2006 mother broad seating there for super long time. that may fit your tower case
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 10-18-2011 at 11:35 AM.
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