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Old 12-23-2010, 12:19 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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Originally Posted by BlackBelt View Post
Ok, No1 news story here is wikileaks, obviously..
but no2 atm is the airports shutdown, mainly the UK ones...

It is not

That would be a hotel.

Its not the airports jobs to provide you with shelter, food and water.

Oh, and the reason that the people cant provide info on when they'll be up to full capacity is because of the weather, and, I could be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure the airlines or airports don't control the weather..
in the USA if a air line (Delta did it to me 2x) told you get on the wrong plane! they have to put you up for the night and next day send you on another plane for free to go were one should have gone to.

that's if the ticket was paid for to go to the right place start with! they change the gate were the right plane was to be at, yup it was all their fault!

man them manager really can get very nasty about it totally, they double check see what really happen, air traffic controller send two 747 to the wrong gate to pickup people from or the ground people did. both were delta planes to lol

it was late at night and the airport's was closing for the night! so they put me up in a Richy hotel not a cheap one ether. i didn't ask but was nice there.
* altnews sources [getmo & others news] not found main FNN:
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