Thread: *.trn
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Old 05-05-2010, 01:57 AM
Registered User

Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 736

Targets like us

OMG....I actually agree with you
in the Club Med under "Targets like us" I've upped
assets from BHD or mods similer, namely the Scud trucks the Loco and more recently the UN supplies, (and getting lots of D/L's too considering we are a club of

Getting it to look right in DFX/DFX2 was trial and error in the end I used the freebee Irfan, which I grabbed the dds to jpeg double in size, sharpen and darken by 50% contrast down 25%, then back to .dds, it's not as good but will do for me, afterall these are targets and are useally in a rough condition.
the 3di are converted in the basic way to JO/DFX.
Guys it's almost like these assets are 16 bit and we are now in the 64/128 bit world, it could be possible to convert the WHOLE game(ASSETS) to DFX2 world, but would you really want too?
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