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Old 01-29-2010, 12:45 PM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

Join Date: Sep 2002
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Originally Posted by William View Post
a piece of wood jab me under the finger nail basic what happen, i remove it but seem (doctor think) may had some flesh eating germs got into it. the left side of the finger nail they all so remove were it spared out some too about 1/2inch of meat.

what was more of a killer is waiting for them to work on it, on that darn table for 3hrs thinking how it going to feel like them cutting it up and do the job. sad to say but more i waited the more i was thinking of going home and say to hell with this. i almost punch out the male nurse who was taken care of me! nerve were on the edge to say. i told him off and gone outside to have a smoke to come down my nerve a bet that help some then gone back in. i know thing had to be done about it.

1/4inch of finger nail and left side of that about another 1/4inch of flesh as will, about 2cm or 3cm deep. i would never wish this on any body..... i was thinking on going on a date this weekend never had the chance to call the other party........don't think i will now for some time! i get over this.
There's nothing that scares me quite as much as flesh eating germs

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