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Old 09-21-2008, 11:58 PM
Xx_jet_xX is offline Xx_jet_xX
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Mstenger404 This is a completly new game engine btw. so comparing it to JO would be like comparing DFLW to BHD Historicly when Nova makes a new engine the first person view gets a major improvement over the last. so imagine that.

How can the gameplay be that much different from any other FPS? there all the same gameplay. especialy the PvP maps. DM in halo is the same as DM in DF1 just a different environment, weapons, and player character. its the players that change how it plays not the game.

Now for Nova not listening to fans. hmm i see multi level water and remember someone complaining about not being able to have that, more and better foliage to add to realism, and why is a member of the DFAF development team playing in DFX maps talking to players to find out what they like and dislike? sounds to me like they are listening. just not replying to or implementing everything. get a life people and stop flaming this thread, send your complaints to Nova or post them where they belong. Novaworld forums.


Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. -George Carlin
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