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Old 08-26-2008, 08:55 AM
mrg is offline mrg
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Posts: 198

Lock On or LOMAC

i heard of it thoose over in the Combat Sim Outhouse are often saying how good it is, i found another 1 you can pick it up on for £7 but if you want the New 1 its about £15(you need a joystick) its called Lock On: Modern Air Combat and the new 1 is Lockon Gold (expansion packs and extras Ect.) heres a review
Excellent "Top Gun" flight simulator game
Dodo303 | 30/05/2008 | See all Dodo303's reviews (1) »

If you want to fly a range of modern-day jet fighters, this is your chance! This game is especially attractive to those that wanted to fly those awesome Russian fighters such as the Sukhoi SU-27/33 and the famous Mig-29. While the simulator is accurate to the detail, controlling the planes is fairly simply and easy to get into. The missions can be challenging and are fun. However, nothing can prepare you for an online battle. As soon as you are picked up by hostile radar (another online flight enthusiast) it is time to forget what you have seen in the movie "Top Gun". You will need real fighter skills to survive, and even more to make kills. Hope your joystick is waterproof as you will sweat, especially when wearing this almost necessary G-suit.
A great game that still enjoys an active online community. Lots of online tutorials and forums provide additional support. And if you think this is the last in this series of excellent flight sims, just wait a sharks are on the way
So there you go:
Link 1:
Link 2:Click Here For Lock On Gold Click Here For Loock On Modern Air Combat

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