Thread: Xm8!
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Old 07-08-2008, 06:08 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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lol, im never happy.

the 5.56 was came up by the air force to carry in the planes, the idea behind it was that the gun could be made small and compact and if ya had to shoot some1 beside the plane and if ya acidentaly hit the wing or other skin it could be patched by a pop rivit in the toolkit.

well the powers that be thought it was an excelent idea because ya could carry lots of ammo and the rifle would be lightweight also.

nevermind if ya had some of these 6ft5 islanders doped up on hashish or something ya had to shoot them many times compaired to the 30cal carbien, ya know the arabs we are fighting are more afraid of a shotgun than the m16/m4?

that is why the 45 was developed, the 38cal or 9mmsuper pistoles that were used inWW1-2 got more killed than they saved, ya had these guys who would strap themselves with wood planks and had a sharpend metal slat, basicly a crude sword, and they would get all doped up on something and go on banzai charges.

ever seen a guy doped up on PCP and get shot 20times with 9mm in a police shootout? same diffrence.

they would rushem so fast that they would have to resort to their pistol and being it a small calibur ball, it punched neat holes, and was slowed down by the wood slats they had straped to them, officers emptied entire clips into these charging 6ft islanders and were still hacked to death.

ask a ww1-2 veteran they will tell ya.

so they decided to develope a better battle cartrige that became the 45cal that was used in the Colt 1911 and the thompson, it would take less rounds compaired to the 38cal pistoles that they had.

but that is the probem that is happening now with the terrorist we are fighting.

ya get adrinalin going ya can do some pretty amazing things till ya run out, and with 69gr ball round if ya dont hitem somewhere vital they will still be able to screw ya up.

but the idea behind the wood slats the islanders used was it did 2 things, it slowed the smaller caliburs down and gavem a bigger chance to kill some1 b4 they died and 2 it kepem upright when they had chunks missing, to the islanders it was a honor to die in battle.

any1 who has been in war knows what im talking about, with something small some of them just dont want to go down do they?

that is why most other countries still use 30cal carbiens, like the sks, ak47, and the .308 and 7.72x54r, rissia has the ak74 that is 5.45x39 now but they still mostly use the ak47 in 7.62x39, because it kills instead of wounds.

this was also the idea behind the small varnmit caliburs, they had the idea that if ya killed some1 ya just took him out, but if ya wounded him, ya would take him and the guys that carry him off the field.

that works ok till ya have to kill some1 with a wounding cartrige, why do ya think the US dont really allow hollowpoint in battle anymore? it is so it punches a neat hole compaired to a crater, pluss the geneva convention screwes it up.

id still prefer the .308 or 30-06 rifles, ya can kill when ya want to and ya can blow off a leg if ya need to woundem, guarenteing that the guy you wounded wont be back on the field 6week from now.

just wounding just perpetuates the cycle, ya woundem with the small bullet, and later on ya gotem to worry about again, just blow their leg off or killem and make shure ya wont have to deal with the same guy 3 or 4 times.

but ive seen what the 5.56 and the 7.62x39 will do, at ranges greater than 150m the 5.56 is to light to deliver the hydrostatic shock that it can at close range, itll make a acorn sized hole in and a silverdollar sized out if ya lucky.

the 7.62x39 with hollowpoint, will make a acorn sized hole in and a orange sized hole out wilest blowing a big slice of skin off the back side at close range, makes a mess.
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