Thread: rummmm
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Old 05-25-2008, 02:31 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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it could get up to $5.00 a gallon and i could still spend 30$ a week and drive all week, i get around 31-32mpg with my micromachine stomper, even better with street tires.

but saying hey, stop whining, its 6 and 7 elsewhere, so what it 7$ somewhere else, this is the USA not another country, but that is what they want, this is the equilization of economys, they gota bring the US to the levels of other nations because it is to hard to bring other nations up to the level of the US, so they are going to kill the economy.

ill have to look for it, but in the 90s, bill clinton and his band of theives at a meeting, are quoted of saying, "inorder to push thier plans for total domination thru, you will have to kill the US economy and distroy the nation, and make it so bad for the people that they will look for you for answers, and to do this is to make fuel so expencive that no1 can aford to buy anything or drive" idea is to make things soooo bad that the people will look to their government for help, then they can give their solution and no matter how horrid it is most will submit to get some relif in the financial department.

and i bet it is going to be a higher tax or other thevin scheme, where property is taken from some1 that has and is given to those who have not, dont belive that can happen it has been happening for over 20 years, ever heard of WELFAIR?

but it makes me wonder how crude is rising constantly slowly edging to $200 a barrel, althoe it is in part that oil here is done in US dollar, and as the dollar falls faster and faster it gives the impression things are going up, the dollar has been devalued 50% and is steaming toward 60%.

but this will kill the economy, and how every1 should see.

it has to do with the trucking industry, ya see everything in this country is on a truck at some point, and i talked to a freind on the CB the other day and he saying it taking over $1900-$2000 to fill up a truck now, he has had it ok because he owns his own company, but i have seen truck after truck being parked and sold because the fuel is too much, if ya are on a certain income and it is taking more to commute and pay bills than you make in a week, why would you do that job?

and if truckers stop trucking, all the goods wont get to where they are supposed to be, and if stores cant get their goods because no1 will haul it, how are they to sell to the people? what do ya think thatll do the buisnesses that are already taxed to death because they are the filthy rich?

i live not 200yards from a bridge on the 269 highway here in walker county, it is a main highway, it used to havea car every few seconds, now hours can go by b4 i hear 1 go across, and on the weekdays the trucks would keep ya up starting at 4:00Am and continueing after 5:00Pm now ya be lucky to see 4 trucks a day.

everything is connected to fuel, if ya dont have trucks, ya dont get distributation of goods, if goods just sit on a pallet they wont be sold, if stores cant turn a profit because their goods are on a pallet somewhere, they cant keep a buisness running, with no buisness a town dies, and as a town dies its people become impoverished for they have no wayof buying or working because employment is gone, and that is just the start.

ya want to hear something thatll piss you off? the oil that is drilled in alaska, it never go anywhere in the us, they put it on a ship and it goes to Japan and other countries and never touches the ground, and anwar where they want to drill and the EPA says there are to many animals and trees, you can fly over 700 miles and never see a tree or sea lion, it is a frozen tundra void of any life.

and i read a few days back, a guy on MSNBC said that we could in 2 years be looking at 10$ a gallon at the pump.
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