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Old 04-08-2008, 06:11 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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funny part is that the myan calender runs out in 2012.

but they supposed to start doing this this year if they can get thru all the red tape, sometime this summer from the article.

but there is supposed to be 7 years of cataclismic events b4 the world ends, and acording to other prophets there are supposed to be 3 main battles by armegedon, that are supposed to start when mabus will come and soon after pass away acording to nostradamus kicking off the 3 main battles, we have had 2 of them battles already, iraq and afganistan the third belived to be iran these battles are supposed to last 27 years and the last 7 years are the tribulation period.

but b4 the tribulation starts the dictator is supposedto enter into a peace pact with the nation of isreal and palistine where he restores some of the lands to the nation of isreal, stiring oposition and kicking off the chain of events that end with armageddon.

and we all know who mabus is he came and then was quickly defeated, Mabus spelled backwards is Sudam the last leader of iraq, he is supposed to fall and soon aftwards there is a great dying of people animals and great turmoil, ya can read more about Mabus in century 2 quatran 62 in nostradamus prophecys.

Century 2, Quatrain 62
Mabus will come and soon die, then will come
A horrible undoing of people and animals.

al qaeda that we have been fighting is the small kid on the block, if hamas and the others decide to fight us, we will be fighting the 600lb gorilia, and it looks as if we are bout to start fighting them.

lmao, howd i start on prophecy.

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 04-08-2008 at 06:25 PM.
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