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Old 03-27-2007, 04:32 PM
Lee Harvey is offline Lee Harvey
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 20

Wink Be patient with me I'm not real smart

I am having some trouble getting this MOD to work. When I try to paste my "Delta Force Extreme" folder into the "choZen" folder I get an error message that the destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder. Am I just a moron? or am I doing something wrong? Do not answer the first question. I was however able to create the "choZen" folder in the C:Program Files/Novalogic directory then paste the "Delta Force Extreme" folder into that, then paste the "choZen" folder into the "Delta Force Extreme" folder. I don't believe it worked though, although I ran the cZn.exe installer and it said it successfully was installed. When I went to host a game, there were no changes. Any advice would be appreciated. Sorry for the long message.
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