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Old 09-06-2002, 08:57 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 7,050


Hi all,

I was replying to a couple of post's on DF-HQ and I suddenly thought I'd tell you what playing on Delta Force 2 and Land Warrior has done for me.

A while back in one of my post's I said that I was off work due to a back injury and I was only able to sit with any comfort on my PC chair and could not move much further. I'm going back to work soon as my condition has greatly improved. The time I have spent playing on Land Warrior and TFD has kept me sane when I couldn't get out of the house and do anything else. Coming here to read the always interesting post's.some times controversial, some times very funny and occasionally sad has been a great help to me.

I have made a number of very good friends who I am now in almost daily contact with and have had a lot of fun along the way. One of those friends lives in New Hampshire U.S.A. and next year I'm going to meet them in person!!!! All through this very clever little game. I'm off to see the some one who has shot me a hell of a lot of times and vice versa lol lol!!!!

Another fried who hails from Newcastle will be with me at Christmas and we will sup a few beers together. That's what Delta Force has done for me. I have spoken to people from all over the world, some nice some not so nice but for the main nearly all them friendly and willing to have a chat and a good game.

I've asked advice through these forums and some one some where has taken the time to help out with my questions. That to me is what on-line gaming is all about. So, thanks to Panther and StevieB for all their work and all the effort they and others have put into DF-HQ and most of all thanks to all the other guys and girls who I have had the pleasure of meeting and.......shooting lol lol lol lol!!!!

I hope to see some of you in my sights real soon.



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