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Old 04-30-2006, 12:21 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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Originally posted by BB

to tell u the truth chief, pb dosnt stop msx.. within an hour of a PB update they had already made a work around..

only posting the info, but i sense this is gonna get out of hand..
will maybe the hackers are getting tire of making up new one after a time he will given up on them as will

hackers vs PB who will win? my money on PB why they get paid to do updates and the hackers have to do the same.

remember one thing they ban on the go and update to find new cheaters tools

master ban listing:</u></b>"

one other reply:
By: vampman05' date: 30 Apr 2006, 10:28 AM' post: 120063

Kind of funny that a email was sent out a few weeks ago "advertising" their "cheat" see

and now the same people are trying to put PB down... kind of one of them things that throw up a red light and says " these people (the muppets with these "cheats") are trying to get PB in trouble...

i aint heard PB side of things... but i'd rather trust PB than some muppets at a "cheat" site any day
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 04-30-2006 at 12:31 PM.
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