Thread: Vietcong2
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Old 01-05-2006, 03:22 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 7,050


Well this is not a bad a bad game at all. The graphics are pretty good and there's lot's of blood when you blow the Viet Cong away lol. Game play wise it's a pretty straight forward FPS but there are nice little touches like the opening scene where you start out in a brothel, (buy the game to find out what that's all about lol!).

This is a link for patch you will need for multi player where you get an annoying "CD number in use" alert but this patch takes care of that.

To be honest I haven't played on the multi player much as yet so I can't say how good it is but I will let you all know when I've had another go at it.

It's a good game to add to your collection from what I've seen so far guys!!!!

Warm Regards and it's back to the TET offensive for me
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