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Old 10-15-2001, 01:20 PM
Steve is offline Steve
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1) take .50 cal and extra ammo (definately needed)

2) run way out west, possibly 1000m away from alpha so no one spawns behind u = very annoying

3) get behind a big hill (for optimum viewing ability)

4) take a quick peek over the top to see potental targets. if u see 1, go for kill. if not get ur head down for a few secs b4 checking again.

5)get some claymores near u (campers special friend)

6)check again

7) if no kills within 2-3 mins change hill

8) dont run near the top of a hill (black dots)

9) LISTEN - headphones are sweet. u can easily tell where someone is if they use a .50 cal. if u hear someone firing an M40, they must be close - go for a knife kill. if u hear some one firing a PSG move fast lol. aslo u will be able to hear ppl sneaking up on u

10)if u can get on a hill behind a smaller hill. this is for 3 reasons. 1- so no one gets a good position behind u, 2- so u can get a good view of the battle field, 3- someone ALWAYS goes on the hill infront of u lol (easy kill)

11)if someone is running try to guess where they are going to go. if they are gonna go over a hill out of sight - go for a kill. if they look like they are going to go prone (heading fot trees or bushes) then wait. <== this applies to modem users mainly as it is hard to shoot moving targets. also making very hard shots wastes ur ammo and gives away ur position.

12) do NOT go in a building, u will get spotted easily, ppl Will shoot u through the wall. if u spawn in a building stay low and plan an escape route.

13) is u manage to sneak up to someone - use the knife and ALWAYS use ur audio cammands! lmao. guaranteed satisfaction.

14) practice makes u quicker at lining up ur shots and getting the range right. in LW its a little easier than DF2
e.g. in LW if someone is 500-549m then its fine to use the range of 500m
if someone is 550-599m then its ok to use range of 600m. (obviously it applies 550-649m but u know what i'm saying)
in DF2 i find that if someone is 550m away a range of 500m or 600m and the crosshair is placed on the target - u are likely to miss. so u need to aim higher or lower to get the kill.
also get ur mouse and scope sensitivity on fill if u havent already, it may take a few games to get used to it but u can get an advantade if this is set.

i've had a few in-game debates about etincs n stuff. here is a few comments pll have made:

snipers only use sniper rifles - i.e. NO guns except .50 cal, M40 and PSG! including all hand guns!

NO knives!! i can see the point (no pun intended lol), as in real life 2 snipers probably wouldnt get this close. but also another point was raised that it would be disrespectful to use ur gun at point blank range (mmmmmm messy)

NO nades.

pacience (correct my spelling plzz ) is rewarded but it depends on what u want to achieve. i like a high kill to death ratio and i am prepaired to wait for it. sometimes it's a bit boring though. but i used the techniques i just described and got 18 kills 1 death. lol that will teach me to type during a game. 0 deaths sounds so much better

i reckon most ppl will know the stuff i just typed but i hope at least someone gets something from it.


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