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Old 11-08-2005, 10:56 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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Join Date: Jun 2002
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Wolverine=TAG= (Razor)
if your are going using other people items in your mod, why not give them credit to it. not really hard to add a text file of post their names in here or the mod it self in a image.

who did them up and all. is it that hard to give credit to?

ask them can i use a item to add-in a mod i am doing up is all, be upfront about it.

making mods call for teamwork, saying your the only one did it up and you did have other helping you out, then give them some credit ok. add their names into it.

you can even state what you had done in it too.

only asking do the right thing is all. more will love you for it

i remember were you was learning to make a weapon mod, don't think you would like others to steal what you work on now would you? all that hard work for no then at all.

don't be mad ok, they have a right to scream out if they really work hard on some thing only see others taken it away their credit for it.

i like to see a mod were in it monkeys 4-5ft tall running with a AK47 or taken a hand full of you know what tossing at people, or even run after them to bite the liven hell out of them 5 bites they are dead lol

01.) Monkeys (medium 10in to large 3ft tall)*
02.) Sharks*
03.) mule*
04.) pack of wild dogs (medium size)*
05.) lions female and male
07.) ghost of a soldier walking blindly going through buildings.*
08.) alive band playing 2-5members sings outside for money.
09.) beggars boys running rounds asking for Candie/money.*
10.) some one getting deheaded for some unknown reason with a sword.*
11.) a man running who is on fire! who is screaming* or laying dead on the ground.*
12.) a dirty nasty women who is cover only in mud j/k
13.) a headless body running round.
14.) F16 flying up high. like in DF: LW.*
15.) weapon: M202 Flash 4rounds united.

will thats my wish list to see in a mod. DF: BHD-TS

Mainly *
* altnews sources [getmo & others news] not found main FNN:
*Discord: Unknown77#7121
Playing now days: EA Games> swtor [star wars old republic]

Last edited by Hellfighter; 11-08-2005 at 11:28 AM.